Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Easy Ways to Help

In the midst of yet another busy day here at Habitat KC, I wanted to pass along some information that I got about a great website. I have links on the side of this blog for places you can go to click on a button and donate food for hungry, books for literacy programs, save some rainforest, etc. but this one has a little twist. It's called Free Rice and it donates 20 grains of rice for each vocabulary question you answer correctly. I know not everyone is a word person, but it's great way to learn some new words (which may help you in ways you've not yet realized - Balderdash anyone?) and feed the hungry thru the UN Food Program at the same time. Check it out here.

Do you know of some other really good websites that you help worth causes with the click of a button? Share them with me! Maybe I'll make some new links...


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you posted this link! My mom heard about it on the radio, but of course, being my 61 year old mother, couldn't remember the

Another charitable site is It's a search engine (powered by yahoo I think) and it donates money for each search you do to the charity of your choice. Its so easy, because we all use search engines anyway. And I always get good results from it. Check it out.

mandyc said...

Thanks, Rachael and I'm glad I could help! I love your mom. :) I also love GoodSearch. I have a link over on the side of my blog to it already - Habitat KC is one of the charities that you can raise money for and I've been playing it up to my volunteers in our e-newsletter. We've been on it for years, but nobody knew about it. Thanks for helping spread the word!

Angela said...

i am still a bit skeptical about the something for nothing aspect... but every now and then i subject myself to the itty-bitty ads and make a 'donation'. would someone make a nifty word to describe online non monatary donations please. i tried to make a contraction with 'click' and 'donation' but didn't get anywhere.