Friday, August 03, 2007

A little fun with personality...

Click to view my Personality Profile page


Big Unit said...

I find it interesting that you would come out on the judgemental side. Seems like as someone who is so excepting of so many opinions and thoughts and is so diverse wouldn't be judgemental. If I get some time I am going to take the test.

BTW, how is the job going?

mandyc said...

Judging isn't the same as judgemental, although I'll be the first to admit that I can be at times. When you take the test, be sure toread the descriptions of the different categories where it explains what they are and how they function. I'll be interested to see where you fall on the spectrum. :)

I would also point out that the middle two catgories are only 53% -so I'm only barely tipped to that side of the scale. Other times I've taken this type of profile I've gone the other way on those two (but I am always extroverted and most always judging rather than perceiving). I look forward to seeing yours!

The new job hasn't started yet - I go to Atlanta the last week of this month for the training. For the summer I've been doing some part time consulting work for the Social Justice team of the Missouri Annual Conference of the UMC. It means I've been making them a database and doing some office/phone stuff. Nothing big, but it's been bringing some money in until the new job kicks in. And right now we need every bit of money we can get - we're looking to buy a house!!

revhipchick said...

i keep checking but no official news posted yet!

interesting....very very interesting!

mandyc said...

Hipchick - we're not wanting to say anything official until it's more definite and we've told the people who need to know. Consider yourself part of the "inner cirlce of trust." :) Hee hee!