Friday, April 27, 2007

Friday Five

It's been a while since I played, so here goes...

What are you:

1. Wearing - black ballet neck 3/4 length sleeve shirt and light blue jeans and tennis shoes - comfortable, but not too slouchy

2. Pondering - how being an aunt will change my life and how I feel about the possibility of being a mother myself one day... maybe...

3. Reading - I'm at work, so I'm not reading anything right this second, but I have a whole list of books and things to read for classes. My personal favorite (said as sarcastically as possible) is "Radical Reformission" by Mark Driscoll. For more insight on this book, check out hipchick's blog entry.

4. Dreaming - lately I've been having really strange dreams and haven't been sleeping well. For example, last night my dream was almost tetris-like trying to figure out how to fit all of my paper recycling trash (boxes, bags, etc.) into my one little bin.
More long term, life dreams are to buy my own house (something a little older and in need of TLC so Trouble and I can fix it up and make it our own unique sanctuary) and find the perfect church job.

5. Eating - at the moment, nothing, but I ate an apple breakfast bar on the drive to the hospital this morning to meet my brand new nephew. I'm salivating at the thought of going to an Indian restaurant for lunch in a couple of hours. Yummmmmm....


Iris said...

Congratulations on the new nephew!

Mary said...

Congratulations on being an aunt!! How fun is that!!!

If I could comment on the fixing up a house thing- been there, done that, it sucked and it never really gets finished. My unsolicited advice is to buy something where the main living areas only need only minor work- new tile, paint, etc. or less and then maybe have a basement or attic you can do more too if you want. Trust me, it can be very, very stressful to a relationship. It's always way more expensive and takes way longer than you think. I'm all about making it your own, but the fewer walls you need to move the better :)))

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the nephew! I just spent the last week in NY with 6 of my 8 nieces & nephews. Plus, I have another one on the way! I love being an aunt and I love all my kiddos.